
FY = Fabella Year

The Age of Creation

“Age of Creation” was a broad term for prehistoric Fabella prior to the invention of the wheel. The first generation of people were created from plant life in the Adele Peninsula on the Island of Adele. Segregation between tribes made up of the same species developed in this era as people split off from each other. Additional key events included the human revolt, the first tribal terror attack, and tents.

1 FY | 4000 BC

Aries 1st | March 21st

Fabella Begins – This was the first year of Fabella. There was no year zero. From here on out, Fabella’s timeline advanced evenly with Earth’s. No actual date for creation existed because Emit, being the only living eye witness to the event, grew up on a tropical island with no clear definition between seasons. Religious scholars later decided to celebrate on Aries 1st and call that when the new year started in spring. Emit had no choice but to go along with the decision.

3 FY | 3998 BC

Creation of Fire – Fire was first used. Fire served a number of functions for early people, such as warmth, illumination, defense, cooking, and social gathering. Harnessing the power of the flame brought tribes scattered all over the globe increased mastery over the elements.

5 FY | 3996 BC

Stone Tools Created – The development of stone tools by early people heralded the first significant technological development. The earliest examples were hammer-stones that easily fit in the hand used to crush animals for food.

12 FY | 3989 BC

Cave Paintings Emerge – Paintings on cave walls and against other rock faces and tree bark emerged in pockets of nomadic tribes across the world. Designs in the sand and other forms of artistic expression also began to grow. (Reference: Marks and Massacres)

20 FY | 3981 BC

Origin of agriculture – The first seeds are planted by an elven gatherer in Aflar. (Reference: Seeds of Fate)

25 FY | 3976 BC

Capricorn 10th | December 31st

The First Murder – Emit committed the first murder after accidentally pushing Chief Col off a cliff. Following this unfortunate event, Lukis made Emit immortal. (Reference: Dawn of Fabella)

58 FY | 3943 BC

Orcs – Orcs originated in Astar along the Orkan River, an enchanted river imbued with the power to strengthen anyone who drank from it. The word “Orc” became synonymous with tall, thickly built, muscular, dull, brutes. (Reference: Birth of the Orcs)

The Civilization Age

The invention of the wheel by humans in the Erikun Tribe of Kathara effectively began the Age of Civilization. The Rise of Punt was notable in this era because Punt was the ancient precursor to the Sheba Union, one of the most powerful countries in the world throughout history. Punt started out in Kathara as a city led by the harpies, but goblins took over in the Second Dynasty. Major innovations in this age included grooming habits, monuments, early writing, and magic staffs.

501 FY | 3500 BC

Invention of the Wheel – Humans of the Erikun Tribe in Euplar were the first to develop the wheel. Wheels were employed in two ways, first as a potters wheel for craft-making and second as a mode of load transportation. The wheelbarrow was the first piece of technology made utilizing the wheel as this was important for carrying large loads of food.

629 FY | 3372 BC

Commonwealths Established – The formation of commonwealths preceded the rise of nations. Commonwealths were more organized than tribal communities. They consisted of an alliance of multiple settlements. This was done both to pool resources to the people and fortify defenses. The first commonwealth was “Lop” in Kathara.

1122 FY | 2879 BC

Punt (Poont) – Cadmus, a harpy, establishes the Puntian Kingdom in KatharaKingdoms were a step up from commonwealths. Instead of all these different allied cities answering to different leaders, they were all united under one king, called a “Sobek.” The city of Cadmium was named the capital of Punt and Sobek Cadmus led his people in worshipping Lord Chronos.

1402 FY | 2599 BC

Punt Bows to the Titans – Set returned to Punt and instituted a new religion centered on the TitansHe named himself the leader of these twelve deities and enforced his dominion on the kingdom, shaping it into a dark empire.

1492 FY | 2509 BC

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Age of Dynasties

The Age of Dynasties was also the Age of War. Conflicts between budding empires and people which had been brewing for centuries eventually boiled over and wars erupted all over the world. The most notable war on record was the Sea Peoples Rebellion, which took place between the kingdoms of Punt and the underwater kingdom of Niflhel. Ancient Punt at this time was controlled by the harpies and Titans, so this conflict was literally one which pitted the sky against the sea. The greatest battle of this war was the Battle on Embasin Cove. Other notable conflicts included the Kernies invasion of Cambia in Astar, Trismacus the Conqueror’s Twelve challenges, and the Puntian Civil War. The Republic of Fantasia was also established in this era which led to the first hospitals, schools, and theater auditoriums in Fabella. Fantasia was also the first kingdom to develop the alphabet and volleyball.

2230 FY | 1771 BC

The Sea People’s Rebellion begins – The Sea People’s Rebellion began as merfolk of Niflhel rose against the Puntian Empire. They were led by Oceanus III, Emit, and Anubis. (Reference: Dawn of Fabella and Herstory)

2234 FY | 1767 BC

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2235 FY | 1766 BC

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2240 FY | 1761 BC

The First Seer: Brodia the Seer becomes the first person to experience visions of the future. (Reference: First Sight)

2247 FY | 1754 BC

Runcasolis Founded: Following a long absence of civilizations in Adele Island, Lora Thinker travels from Fantasia to found the settlement of Runcasolis. Adele then became a colony of the Fantasian Republic. Runcasolis went on to become a major trading post in Adele and the center of civilization for the island. (Reference: Across the Sea)

2243 FY | 1758 BC

The Birth of Jinxes: Jin, a wizard who defied Dark Lord Malum, became the namesake for “jinxes;” childish spells cast by young wizards. (Reference: Jinx)

2267 FY | 1734 BC

Puntian Civil War – A swell of rebels – Calling themselves “Shebans” – created infighting within the Puntian Empire when they rebelled against the Titans. The Shebans lost the war and departed Kathara for neighboring Sakria where they founded the Sheba Union. (Reference: The Slave Queen)

Age of Marvels

The Age of Marvels saw the reign of witches and wizards known as “The Olympians” gain power over the west. It began with the Battle on Mount Olympus. The birth of Aphrodite and the events surrounding her life were regarded as extremely pivotal moments in history.  Other notable events in this time period included the rise of the Niburan Republic, the beginning of the Silverbow Dynasty in Nysa, the invention of coinage, the 365-day calendar, and the rise of Unitisia.

2259 FY | 1742 BC

Atlantis Sinks – After Zeus taunts Lord Lukis with his magic, the Fabellan only continent of Atlantis on Earth experiences a serious volcanic eruption that causes the landmass to sink into the ocean. Despite the Olympians’ best efforts, they were unable to prevent this disaster. (Reference: The Lost Empire)

2376 FY | 1625 BC

Fairy Post – Fairies started delivering messages to the populace. Because of their ability to speak in an age where most people were illiterate, the little sprites could be depended on to deliver their messages orally. Their small size also made it easy for them to travel. (Reference: Fairy Post)

2593 FY | 1408 BC

Parchment Introduced – The birth of parchment ignited the literacy of Fabellans across the world. People started to learn how to read as a result and illiteracy fell drastically as a result.

3401 FY | 600 BC

Origin of Coinage – First coins used for monetary transactions in Sheba. The first coins were iron. Before this time gem stones, bronze cubes, and silver pegs were used for monetary exchange.

3625 FY | 376 BC

The Fabellan Calendar– The Fabellan calendar is established according to the Horoscope by King Erasan after he burns the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in retribution for their attack on his kingdom. (Reference: Horoscope)

3471 FY | 30 BC

First Paragon Games – The inaugural tournament held in Heromidas, Unitisia between athletes from different kingdoms. There were only twelve events in the first Paragon Games: Idol Toss, Kagma Leaping, Swing Jumping, Fencing, Magic Duel, Archery, Incline Racing, Ring Push, and Weight-Bearing. 

Age of Monsters

This era is called the Age of Monsters because of the sharp incline of monster attacks – dragons in particular – and the Titan Army. Disease, widespread rebellions, and mega-monster migration contributed largely to a decline in population. The period was marked by large-scale wars between the Sheban and Fantasian Empires in the Great West and rise and fall of evil Titans in the Far East.

4037 FY | 37 AD

Emperor Terbulcus Reigns Over Niburu – Tobus Terbulcus was the successor to great uncle Samar Sidbaras to the Niburan throne. Having no sons of his own, Sidbaras named Terbulcus as his personal heir. This turned out to be Sidbaras’ undoing as Terbulcus hired an assassin to slay his uncle. Once on the throne, Terbulcus issued sweeping commands for the magical community to be rounded up and executed. This ignited animosity between Sadru (non-magical people) and sorcerers. This quickly boiled over to a war between the two groups.

4052 FY | 52 AD

Papermaking – The invention of paper revolutionized the spread of information by reducing its cost and ease of delivery to the masses. Paper was first made by shredding an assortment of leaves and pressing them together in a sheet. The original sheets were green but red, yellow, and orange was also common until this method was refined for standard white paper.

4085 FY | 85 AD

The Birth of Tara – Tara, the namesake for St. Tara’s Academy of Magic and Science, is born. (Reference: The Child)

4102 FY | 102 AD

Earliest Aphrcropolis Built – The earliest Aphrcopolis, worship center for the Aphrodesian faith, was constructed in Padelle (Pahd-ehl). Historians agree it was constructed by the last of Aphrodite’s Twelve Disciples. This was backed by first hand accounts from Lilly, Bastet, and Tara Hogan. The Aphcropolis was a large palace-like structure created to honor Aphrodite. It served as their main base of operations during the Western War until its destruction in 4110 FY.

4108 FY | 108 AD

Tara Hogan Becomes a Saint – Tara Hogan, a disciple of Aphrodite, earns her sainthood when she works to send aid to both sides of the warring Sadrus and Warlocks. (Reference: The Saint and the Sadru)

4111 FY | 111 AD

The Council of Twelve – The foundation of the Council of Twelve was established by remainders of the Egyptian and Olympian pantheons. The Council put themselves in charge of maintaining balance on Earth and Fabella by tightly governing matters of the state.

4115 FY | 115 AD

St. Tara’s Academy Established – The Sentinels found St. Tara’s Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences on the grounds of Old Hercules in Fantasia.

4253 FY | 253 AD

The Goblin Rebellion – Goblins rebelled in Avalon after the King attempted to ruin their trade business to align themselves with merfolk and dwarves. This rebellion followed a number of smaller clashes over the goblins’ precious trade and manufacture industry. This history of rebellion helped greatly in the goblins ability to maintain control over their assets.

4367 FY | 367 AD

Dragon Riders Dragons were first domesticated and ridden by air forces in a variety of nations. The connection a rider shared with their dragon was often deep. So much so that when a dragon passed, their rider would usually die as well.

Age of Expansion

The Expansion Age was an era when people started to spread out. The push to explore and expand boundaries extended to nations all over the world as many wars began largely in response to invasions from neighboring countries. This era marked several important discoveries. Notable concepts included magical physics, biological effects of shapeshifting, and the printing press. 

5318 FY | 1318 AD

The First World Map – Tagera Vesto, aided by an entic slave Merkas Cherry creates the first world map of Fabella. Merkas Cherry seizes the opportunity to make a country called Lucera a safe haven for halflings.

5466 FY | 1466 AD

The First Spellbook – Ninelyn Exeldor — who lost the use of her hands — developed the spellbook as a way to produce magic verbally using incantations written in a book with the help of a scribe.

5469 FY | 1469 AD

Around the World on a Broomstick – Essa Metzler became the first person to ride around the world on a broomstick. She set off from Runcasolis and traveled east. After she landed, a court case was called to determine the validity of her journey.

5500 FY | 1500 AD

Founding of Elpis – Dunador founds the country of Elpis as a haven for the homosexual community and the other outcasts of society.

Age of Revolution

The Age of Revolution was a major turning point for the history of Fabella. Notable revolts in this period are the First and Second Halfling Uprising, and the Sheban Civil War. This period was marked by revolutionary concepts such as Blind Trials, the Neverland Treaty, and Democracy. 

5600 FY | 1600 AD

Tobacco – The tobacco leaf was introduced to Fabella. Tobacco leafs were not indigenous to Fabella. Their introduction started a period of covert trade between Earth and Fabella. Tobacco became somewhat of a delicacy as a result of its rarity, largely becoming attributed to people with high wealth and privilege.

5700 FY | 1700 AD

The Invention of the Steam Engine – The invention of the steam engine would ultimately lead to a period of fashion in the Machine Age where steam-powered accessories and weapons were in heavy use. This fashion became known around cultural circles as “Steampunk.”

5710 FY | 1710 AD

Halfling Revolution – The Halfling Revolution was the result of years of toil and hardship for dwarves, trolls, and especially entics. This was the first time in history they banded together to demand equal rights. They lost the war and a long period of slavery continued.

5736 FY | 1736 AD

Avalon – Avalon, first unified as a country during the Age of Monsters, became the first major superpower in Fabella. Avalon’s extension across the Eastern Hemisphere of Fabella put them in heavy conflict with The Republic of Fantasia and the Sheba Union. At its height, Avalon was the largest country in the world during this period and dominated trade throughout the globe due in part to their many colonies spread across six continents.

5742 FY | 1742 AD

Aries 4th | March 24th

Invisibility Material – Ella Penner, an entic in Laxaria, develops a potion that renders textiles invisible. This gives way to the invention of the invisibility cloak. 

Age of Machines

The Machine Age was a period of change for Fabella. Steam engine technology was incorporated into fashion accessories of the era. The most significant event of this era was the rise of the Bloodborne Empire in the continent of Auslar, located in the Far East. Other major events include railways, the radio, the first cable car system, and magic mirror messaging.

5801 FY | 1801 AD

Gunpowder – Following the crashlanding of the USS Insurgent, gunpowder and ammunition were introduced to Fabella. The stranded Americans began their war with Avalon.

5827 FY | 1827 AD

Cable Cars – The first cable car system constructed over Hercules, Fantasia gave birth to Fabella’s main source of transportation.

5850 FY | 1850 AD

Mirror Messaging – Wall mounted magic mirrors connect the world like never before as people are able to converse through reflection.

5856 FY | 1856 AD

The Cost of Magic – Doctor Feder Meder became the first medical professional to publish his findings that magic was harmful to the public.

5862 FY | 1862 AD

The Continental War Begins – East clashed with West as Fabella broke out in a world war to stop the Bloodborne Empire from achieving their global conquest.

5890 FY | 1890 AD

Machine Guns – The Bloodborne Empire gained a powerful edge over the Western Alliance with the invention of the machine gun.

5891 FY | 1891 AD

The Continental War Ends – The Bloodborne Empire of the East wins the Continental War, plunging all of Fabella into a punishing and uncertain future with the entire world clutched in the Empire’s tight fist.

Age of Domination

The Age of Domination was a dark time in Fabella‘s history. Following their victory in First Continental War (CWI), the Bloodborne Empire gained complete control of Fabella. The world suffered under the Baltimore’s oppressive might. English became standard across the world. Anyone who didn’t speak it was severely punished. So many small rebellions cropped up in cities across the globe that there was at least one airship carrier over every major city.

5892 FY | 1892 AD

Taurus 11th | April 30th

The Empire Rules: The Bloodborne Empire formally took command of all Fabella. This day became known as “Imperial Day.” Emperor Chronos’ first decree was instituting reeducation camps infamous for brainwashing their prisoners. They did this to ensure compliance with the populace.

5897 FY | 1897 AD

Transfiguration Medallions – Imperial scientists developed transfiguration medallions as a means of infiltrating rebel cells to prevent insurgency.

5924 FY | 1924 AD

Aries 2nd | March 22nd

Death of Chelsea Hawthorne – Chelsea Hawthorne, the greatest conwoman in history dies in Camelot. 

5928 FY | 1928 AD

Afterlife Consultants – Afterlife consultants started to conduct screenings on the dead. The job of an afterlife consultant was to tell loved ones if their departed family members were in heaven or hell. They would also be called upon to provide guidance received from ones ancestors.

This profession was a huge scam. Consultants would accept monetary bribes from clients wanting to boast about their ancestor’s status in heaven. Those who wouldn’t pay out were constantly told their ancestors were in hell, and this greatly affected employment opportunities.

5934 FY | 1934 AD

Libra 6th | September 28th

The Bombing of Hercules: When Bastet and Thoth were rumored to be in Hercules, Emperor Chronos ordered that the city be bombed. The bombing of Hercules reduced the city to rubble. Over 1500 were reported dead. The event coincided with an assassination attempt on Emperor Chronos by Silas Kilgrave.

The Age of Resurgence

The Resurgence Age of Fabella begins with the crashlanding of Amelia Earhart’s plane. This is also where interaction between Earth and Fabella becomes more intertwined. In 5941 | 1941, the Roswell Area 51 incident which kicks off an alliance between the Electra Insurgency and the United States. When the United Nations learns of Fabella things get really sticky quickly as WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam among all  secretly have some covert Fabellan involvement. Fabella is also embroiled in The Second Continental War, its own version of World War II, as they try to regain their independence from the Bloodborne Empire whose in league with the Nazis. The introduction of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction only add fuel to the fire.

5937 FY | 1937 AD

Amelia Earhart lands in Fabella.

5940 FY | 1940 AD

Fantasia is freed from Bloodborne occupation.

5941 FY | 1941 AD

Area 51 Roswell New Mexico incident.

5945 FY | 1945 AD

Clash of the Titans and Sentinels in Camelot.

5946 FY | 1946 AD

Aries 3rd | March 23rd

Atomic Bomb Lost in Fabella – The Bloodborne Empire performed a hiest to steal an atomic bomb from American soil and transport it back to Fabella. They were stopped by Insurgent forces led by Colonel Switchfoot, but the bomb (transfigured into a candleabra) was lost when Switchfoot and his troops were attacked enroute to their home base. 

5950 FY | 1950 BC

The western hemisphere is liberated from the Empire.

The Technology Age

The Technology Age was the height of life in Fabella. It took place from 5970 FY | 1970 AD – 6011 FY | 2011 AD. Major acheivements in technology during this period included artificial limbs, genies being made public, and magical detection meters. The most notable war in this period was Continental War III between the Sentinels and Titans. 

5970 FY | 1970 AD

Cold war with Earth begins.

5980 FY | 1980 AD

Genies are mass produced and publically available for purchase after years of only being used by wealthy individuals. 

5982 FY | 1982 AD

The Florik Schimmer Scandal

5989 FY | 1989 AD

Attack on St. Tara’s Academy: Titans led by Tefnut attack St. Tara’s Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences in a bid to steal the time machine from Stephanie LaFleur. 

6000 FY | 2000 AD

Aries 1st | March 21st

The Great Global Blackout occurs when all the automatons in Fabella cease funtioning at the strok of midnight in the new millenium.

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The Age of Apocalypse

The devastating detonation of nuclear bombs across Fabella ushered in the Age of Apocalypse. In the wake of this incredible world changing event, survivors struggled to keep their lives and families together. As economies tanked and a global epidemic began wiping out all those who were left, it became clear that was not an option. By 6016 FY | 2016 AD proof that magic spread disease was discovered causing all use of sorcery to be outlawed. Huge numbers of refugees migrated to Earth to rebuild their lives following years of hardship as governments collapsed and Fabella descended into anarchy. Other notable events included the rise of Tharsis, fall of Elpis, Martial Law in Avalon, Stephanie started time traveling and — of course — the end of Fabella.

6012 FY | 2012 AD

Sagittarius 30th | December 21st

Decimation Day or Death Day was the day that the detonation of nuclear bombs by a secret paramilitary group all over Fabella plunged the world into anarchy. This began the largest economic collapse in history, leading to the fall of governments and countries across the world.

6014 FY | 2014 AD

In an effort to contain the radiation poisoning resulting from the nuclear bombs and other attacks following Decimation Day, magicians tried to cast shields over affected communities. This had an unintended consequence though, as the spells cast to put up these shields were the direct cause of a global epidemic known as “The Saga Virus.”

6016 FY | 2016 AD

A proven link between magic and the spread of bacteria causing diseases like the Saga Virus was finally verified. This followed hundreds of years where speculation on the nature and cost of magic ran rampant. Governments across the world had always denied a link between magic and infectious diseases. It wasn’t until 6016 after billions of Fabellans were wiped out by the Saga Virus that remaining leaders were forced to acknowledge the truth. They had no choice but to ban the practice of magic.

6024 FY | 2024 AD

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6025 FY | 2025 AD

Sagittarius 1st | November 22nd

Stephanie LaFleur started time traveling when she came in contact with the time machine at a house party. The party was actually designed to kill her as Titans in California believed she had possession of the time machine all along. (Reference: Herstory)

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