2259 FY | 1742 BC

Atlantis is the 8th continent on Earth, which — like Australia — is separated from the other landmasses. Thanks to the Olympians, free travel through the vortex bridging Fabella and Earth is possible. Fabellans don’t get along with Earthlings though. So in order to appease the magical folk, Atlantis is given to the Fabellans as a home-base of sorts.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Atlantis sits on an extremely unstable tectonic plate. Among the drawbacks of Atlantis and the capital city that bears the same name is a history of excessive flooding. Think Venice times five. There are whole areas where people have slog through waist-deep water which is creeping in on cities located on the island. Olympian gods like Zeus, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Poseidon, are regularly called upon to clean up the city streets using their magic. Zeus is often too confident for his own good and that’s on full display here as he boasts that with magic, wizards can solve any problem and they are more powerful than God himself.

Maybe it’s just his bad timing or maybe the real almighty forces of Earth didn’t like having their power called into question, but days after Zeus makes this bold proclamation of magic over faith. A volcano on Atlantis erupts. This calamity also causes a series of Earthquakes to pound the island as

The Olympians arrive to try battling against the punishing natural disaster. Demeter plans to use magic to fuse the sinking continent back together. Poseidon tries to push back the flood of water. Dyonysis tries to preserve all the art and buildings. Aphrodite tells everyone there’s nothing they can do to prevent this tragedy.

The rest of the Olympians don’t listen to her and continue trying to hold back the magma and flooding water. Zeus is confident that their power will save everyone and tells the populace not to worry and stay where they are. Aphrodite argues with Zeus over his refusal to acknowledge the inevitable. Atlantis is sinking and they have to get these people out.

Everyone who obeyed Zeus and stayed in the capital of the Empire dies. Zeus watches the scene in horror realizing that this was all his fault. He remains adamant that he can fix everything and save Atlantis. All the Olympians band together to try and save Atlantis, but it’s no good. They fail and Atlantis sinks into the sea.