Earth (uhrth)

Earth was the third planet from the sun in the Orenda Universe. It was the only planet in this universe known to support life. The Earth first took form over billions of years, during which time humans evolved from apes. Malum destroyed this version of Earth in 4000 BC. Hagios reformed the world and breathed life back into mankind.

Fabella was created in 4000 BC. Since then, time in Earth and Fabella was in sync. They both had four seasons, seven day weeks, and twelve months. The calendar throughout the year was thrown slightly off because most people on Earth began the new year on January 1st and the Fabellan new year didn’t begin until March 21st.


The Gateway

Breaching the gap between Fabella and Earth was only possible through the use of a gateway. A gateway attracted the constantly shifting vortex to a central point, creating a brief portal between universes. Earth was the midpoint for anyone wishing to traverse from Fabella to Arentium. The gateway could only open a portal to one universe ahead or one universe back. Additionally, a gateway had to be operational on Earth AND Fabella at the same time to generate a link, otherwise the travelers could be dropped anywhere. 

Gateways used in the past include Stonehenge and one buried under the Pyramids of Giza. This circular assortment of sculptures or stones had to be arranged such that they would be aligned with the Horachis Fenaxis, a celestial order which governed movement of planets and stars. This was a complex task only doable by knowledgeable individuals such as Thoth (who invented the practice), Bastet, and Tefnut, to name a few. 

Key to the gateway’s operation was the pouring of blood on a central stone. Bastet coined the phrase, “bloodcode” to describe this practice. In his notes, Thoth theorized that a person’s DNA carried a direct link to their universe. Only the blood of a person or creature born on Fabella, Earth, or Arentium, could be used to summon a portal to their home universe. 


Travel from Earth to Arentium was essential for all mortal beings seeking to live “extended lifetimes.” The cycle began when a person advanced in age to a point where they were comfortable aging back to. The vast amount of Arentiums chose the age of 18 as their “primary age.” The first visit to Arentium set the person’s primary age. For as long as they lived, that person would be able to age to an elder on Earth and reverse the clock to return them to 18 when they returned to Arentium. They would then come back to Earth as a teen and the cycle would start all over again. 


The first people to travel between universes were an Arentium couple named Anu and Payki when their spaceship got trapped in a vortex and they mistakenly crash landed on Earth somewhere in the Middle East. Trapped in this distant world, they raised their children and used their advanced knowledge to attain god-like status among the primitive people of the region. Payki never gave up trying to get back home to Arentium. She designed the first working gateway leading her to be sucked into the vortex. When she returned to Arentium, Payki found that her age had reversed from that of an old woman to the teen girl of her youth. 

When Payki was able to repeat the gateway design on Arentium, she found her youth remained intact upon returning to Earth. However, centuries had passed on Earth in her absence even though Payki had only been on Arentium for a few hours. Thoth was born in the intervening time and studied under Payki as her pupil and apprentice. He perfected the system, using data to conclude that 1000 years passed on Earth per one day in Arentium. 

The Duat

Thanks to Thoth, contact was able to be established with the Arentium Universal Government on the space station known as “The Duat.” Thoth and Payki arranged for their family and loved ones to engage in regular travel between Earth and Arentium to elongate their lifetimes. 

The Gateway in the Duat was housed in the upper section of their space station in an old hanger. Blood from a pig was used to generate a portal every minute on Arentium which was equal to eighteen months on Earth. 

The Bunker

With the help of Tefnut, Titans led by Lord Chronos were able to establish a second gateway in Arentium housed within a forgotten bunker. Chronos used this to elongate the lives of himself — in the body of Set — and his minions. Here, the gateway was set on a separate schedule from the Duat, continuing to open every eighteen months on Earth compared to every minute in Arentium. The Bunker used the bloodcode of a slaughtered man to generate a portal throughout the Titan’s reign. 

Following their loss to the Sentinels, the Bunker became a prison for the Titans. Sentinels replaced the man through which blood was drained with a cow. Sentinels and their close allies like the Olympians and the Council of Twelve, continued to use the Bunker as a means of elongating their lives throughout the remainder of history. 

Earth and Arentium

The first gateway on Earth was constructed in Catalhoyuk. This took the longest to call the vortex and fell out of favor with the Arentiums once they were able to establish gateways at Stonehenge and under the Pyramids of Giza. Because virtually all animal life on Arentium was extinct, travellers seeking to open a portal to Arentium had to use the blood of a person born in that universe. Blood became rare as more native Arentiums started to die off, so vials storing Arentium blood were highly sought after and protected. 

Gateway History


Age of Civilization
Egyptian Kingdom

Egypt was the central hub of Arentium operations on Earth to mine resources and ship them back to the Duat in a desperate bid to rebuild their shattered world. Outposts were set up in Europe, Central America, Asia, and North America, as they struggled to study Earth’s habitat. Many Arentiums chose to make Earth their permanent home and elected to raise their families and die without returning to their homeworld. 

Egyptians worshipped the Arentiums as gods. Among the most well known were Thoth, Bastet, Ra, Sekhemet (Lilly), Anubis, Set, Nephthys, and Tefnut. The families of Ra (Thoth, Lilly, Bastet) and Geb (Set, Nephthys, Osiris, Anubis) were pitted against each other on a regular basis. Ra’s family would go on to create the Sentinels. Meanwhile, Geb’s family went on to contend with them as The Titans. The rivalry between these family factions continued throughout recorded history on Fabella, Earth, and Arentium.


Age of Civilization

Set was the first person to travel from Earth to Fabella when he used the blood of a lost Anamataboga Dragon to create a portal. He kept this discovery secret from his fellow Arentiums, choosing to keep it with his immediate family. During one of his fateful trips to poach Fabellan wildlife, Set strayed across the path of Emit and Stephanie, witnessing magic for the first time.

Uniting the Sentinels

Thoth, Bastet, Lilly, and Anubis found out about Set’s discovery and launched their own expedition to Fabella where they met Emit. Having tangoed with Set before, Emit abducted the travellers and enslaved them. Emit came to see that these people were good hearted folk and began to bond with them. This team eventually formed the core group of the Alliance of Sentinels.

Unfortunately, Lord Chronos — now firmly in possession of Set’s body and mind — arrived to blast apart Emit’s camp and kidnap the faun.


When he returned to Fabella, Lord Chronos also rejuvenated the kingdom of Punt. Trade between Earth and Fabella through Egypt and Punt was established. Both kingdoms greatly benefited from this trade agreement and their economy rose sharply as a result. Punt was also where Lord Chronos formed his Titan army, preparing them to challenge the Arentium Universal Government in secret so he could gain absolute control of all three universes.

Age of Dynasties
The Sea People's Rebellion

Titans commanded by Lord Chronos and Tefnut, laid claim to Fabella, Earth, and Arentium. Only the armies of merfolk under the leadership of the Alliance of Sentinels rose to defend their land. The Titans massacred this army at every turn, but from the ashes sprang Fantasia.

The Republic of Fantasia

Founded by Stephanie LaFleur and the Sentinels, The Republic of Fantasia quickly arose as an Empire to oppose the Titan’s might. From this glorious nation arose the Olympians, who replaced the Titans as the dominant rulers of Earth.

Age of Marvels
Trans-Universal Travel

Under the Olympians rule, free travel was permitted through the vortex bridging Earth and Fabella. As long as visitors could find someone with Fabellan DNA to open a portal, they were permitted to go. Trade between the two worlds helped them flourish, but also created its fair share of conflict.

Earth vs. Fabella

Fabellans and Earthlings did not get along. A tremendous amount of animosity developed between the two worlds, dividing them and even creating a number of wars. Magic created the greatest division amongst the people and the Olympians struggled to control who had the right to wield such power on both worlds. As the years of conflict wore on, it became clear that Fabella and Earth could not peacefully coexist.


The end of the Age of Marvels saw the closure of all gateways to the public by order of the Olympians. The Olympians had seen their power dwindle in the eyes of the people as violent acts continued to mount. All evidence of the existence of Fabella was burned or covered up on Earth, leading to a dark age in human history.

Age of Monsters
The Dark Ages

Despite the Olympians best efforts to clean up their mess, there were still lingering sources of magic and creatures on Earth during the Age of Monsters. Kings routinely employed mages in their courts and knights were forced into conflict with beasts like dragons.

Age of Expansion

Knowledge of magic and Fabella passed into memory on Earth. Any history that survived was regarded as myth and wildly misreported. What monsters there were remained trapped in the oceans as their small population slowly died out.

Age of Revolution

Focus on Fabellan history on Earth turned largely to long forgotten relics from the Age of Marvels. Treasures like the Rosetta Stone and the Fountain of Youth were highly sought after.

Age of Machines
The USS Insurgent

The greatest affect Earth had on the history of Fabella came when a naval vessel the USS Insurgent accidentally got pulled into a portal. The ship crash landed in Auslar with barrels full of gunpowder and ammunition. Captain Fletcher used the weapons on board to fight against magicians from the Avalon Empire. Thus began the storied history of the Bloodborne Empire.

Age of Domination
The Bloodborne Empire

The Empire’s focus on Earth was chiefly concerned with overtaking it like they had Fabella. Emperor Chronos secretly allied himself with dictators sympathetic to his cause with the goal of letting them do all the hardwork with waging worldwide conquests, leaving the door open him to swoop in and take charge at the proper moment.

Age of Resurgence
World War II

The outbreak of the second World War on Earth coincided with Continental War II on Fabella. The Bloodborne Empire found its attention too divided with squashing rebels led by the Alliance of Sentinels on their home turf to provide the Axis Powers with much assistance. Consequently, they lost both wars.


After a Fabellan airboat crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico, the United States entered into an alliance with the Sentinels. They secretly exchanged intelligence including technology, weaponry, and other goods. As the United Nations was brought up to speed, plans to integrate Fabella with Earth’s society were drafted. However, magic remained something the Sentinels were reluctant to pass on. This created friction between themselves and the United Nations leading to abandonment of the treaty. The United Nations formed a covert international federal agency to police Fabellan activity. All incoming Heads of State were also briefed on the existence of Fabella when they took office.

Age of Technology
The United Nations

The United Nations continued to be instrumental in keeping knowledge of Fabella secret from the outside world. A cold war of sorts existed between themselves and Fabella. Travellers caught on Earth soil were arrested, detained, and sent back to Fabella for sentencing. The same was true on Fabella as the World Court worked to prevent travel between the two universes and destroy all gateways.

Age of Apocalypse

Following the damage wrought by Decimation Day and the Saga Virus, Fabellans attempted to cross over into Earth in droves. The United Nations scrambled to scoop up enormous groups of Fabellan refugees while still keeping knowledge of Fabella confidential. Refugees fled underground to live life in secret. As late as 2025, knowledge of Fabella was still a tightly guarded secret.


While knowledge of Fabella was a secret on Earth, the same was not true for Fabellans. The Olympians tried to destroy evidence of Earth, but it persisted through the centuries. An entire subject of study called “Earthology” developed as scholars used what little evidence they had to hypothesize about life on this distant world. In this way, Earth became somewhat akin to the Fabellan version of Astronomy and space exploration.