Set (seht)



Set was a leading member of the Arentium campaign to mine Earth’s resources. Confident to boldly march into the heart of danger, he was a natural born leader. Other weaker beings couldn’t help gravitating to him and he was more than happy to tell them what to do. Feelings got in the way of his accomplishments. With a drive and determination unequaled by anyone, he was truly a force to be reckoned with. Given enough time and resources, he could be unstoppable.


Dawn of Fabella

Despite him being named as the main antagonist of Dawn of Fabella, the character known as “Set” was actually posessed by an evil entity named “Chronos.”


Years of abuse from an adoptive father scarred him for life. Set hated to feel helpless under someone else and strove to ascend to his own seat of power. While on Earth, he typically aged into his seventies before heading back to Arentium to regenerate into his thirty year old self. A thick powerful body reflected his military training. He was shown to be quite agile and a fast runner with heavy equipment on his shoulders. Every day was spent molding his body into a weapon for a future battle he knew was coming.