The Sheba Union (shee-bah)

The Sheba Union (Shee-bah), also known as “Sheba” and the “Union of Sheba,” was a nation in the continent of Sakria. The nation’s people were called “Sheebans.” The country was bordered in the north by Laxaria and to the south by Unitisia. Sheba was a unitary semi-presidential republic, with its capital in New Cadmium, the country’s largest city and main cultural and commercial center. Sheba commanded worldwide attention througout history. The country’s GDP consistently ranked among the top three superpowers.

The Sheba Union continually straddled the line between light and dark. They were occasional allies and frequent enemies of the Fantasian Republic. Sheba also hosted the Scholomance Institute, a school often referred to as one that churned out titans. The nation was usually a cause for tremendous worry as to which way it would tip the scales. The Sheban government usually did was was best for their personal interests.


The Sheba Union was a unitary semi-presidential representative democratic republic with strong democratic traditions. The Constitution of the United Peoples was approved by referendum on Cancer 14th, 5729. It greatly strengthened the authority of the executive branch in relation to Parliament. The executive branch itself had two leaders. The Union President was the head of state, elected directly by universal adult suffrage for an 8-year term. The Great Speaker was the head of government, appointed by the Union President to lead the Sheba Union.

The Sheba Parliament was a bicameral legislature comprising a National Assembly and a Senate. The National Assembly deputies represented local constituencies and were directly elected for six year terms. The Assembly had the power to dismiss the government; thus the majority in the Assembly determined the choice of government. Senators were chosen by an electoral college for 6 year terms; one half of the seats were submitted to election every 4 years.

The Senate’s legislative powers were limited; in the event of disagreement between the two chambers, the National Assembly had the final say. The Government had a strong influence in shaping the agenda of Parliament.


The Sheba Union used a civil legal system, wherein law arose primarily from written statutes; judges were not to make law, but merely to interpret it (though the amount of judicial interpretation in certain areas made it equivalent to case law in a common law system). Basic principles of the rule of law were laid in the Code of Conduct ratified by King and Queen Falen. In agreement with the principles of the Declaration of Rights and Citizenship, law should only prohibit actions detrimental to society.

Sheban law was divided into two principal areas: private law and public law. Private law included civil law and criminal law. Public law included administrative law and consitutional law.


The Sheban Armed Forces were the military and paramilitary forces of the Sheba Union, under the Union President as supreme commander. They consisted of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Military Police which also fulfilled civil police duties in the rural areas of Sheba. Together they were among the largest armed forces in the world.


Dynasty Age

The Birth of Sheba

The Sheba Union developed out of the ashes of the Puntian Empire. The Puntian Civil War pushed those not wishing to worship the titans to Sakria. It was there they established the new kingdom. The capital city of New Cadmium on the western shore was the first settlement for the early founding fathers.  The Sheba Union first started as a Monarchy known as the Kingdom of Sheba with King Akkar Falen and Queen Esmera Falen as the first rulers.

Trade with Egypt

Following the decimation of Punt, Sheba took over Punt’s trade relationship with Egypt and the Arentiums. The Queen of Sheba became an important ambassador between the two worlds.