Elpis (ehl-pis)

Elpis  was a densely populated massive floating island in Fabella. It was the only floating island with a maneuverable trajectory. Every square inch of the island was developed or singled out as a protected park. At it’s height in the Age of Technology a 5986 FY | 1986 AD census estimated the national population at about 8,283,930 distributed over land area that is about 743.3 kilometers squared (287 square miles.) It’s capital of Belarin (Behl-ahr-in) was one of the world’s most populous megacities. Its migration pattern made the country a major cultural, financial, media capital and center of international diplomacy. 


Age of Expansion


Settled in 5500 FY, Elpis was founded as an island to shelter people from other countries who were ostracized for one reason or another. King Gaspero Dunadur was the first ruler of Elpis. Dunador himself was outcast from his homeland of Wernada for being a homosexual. The name “Elpis” meant “Prosperity” in the old Wernada Language. 


Elpis began as a Monarchy and it remained so until it became an Oligarchy in 5904. The Elpian Oligarchy consisted of the “Three Primes”; The Prime General, The Prime Magician, and The Prime Judge. They ruled over an area so small that they were each able to hold weekly public town hall debates. Citizens were encouraged to take an active role in politics and interface regularly with their heads of state.