The Technology Age

The Technology Age was the height of life in Fabella. It took place from 5970 FY | 1970 AD – 6011 FY | 2011 AD. Major acheivements in technology during this period included artificial limbs, genies being made public, and magical detection meters. The most notable war in this period was Continental War III between the Sentinels and Titans. 

5970 FY | 1970 AD

Cold war with Earth begins.

5980 FY | 1980 AD

Genies are mass produced and publically available for purchase after years of only being used by wealthy individuals. 

5982 FY | 1982 AD

The Florik Schimmer Scandal

5989 FY | 1989 AD

Attack on St. Tara’s Academy: Titans led by Tefnut attack St. Tara’s Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences in a bid to steal the time machine from Stephanie LaFleur. 

6000 FY | 2000 AD

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