12 FY | 3989 BC

We begin in the year 12 FY in Fabella equal to the year 3989 BC on Earth. Reena is a centaur mare whose responsibility it is to gather fresh fruit for her tribe the Susacans on the continent of Euplar, Fabella’s version of Europe. You’ll recall that in Light of Fabella is said that Lord Lukis created life on the tropical island of Adele. And while Adele was the first piece of land to serve as home to animal life, Lord Lukis created other people and animals throughout the world as well. One of those areas was the coast of Euplar where this story takes place.

Reena’s tribe of centaurs are the first in this region to develop the idea of a strong tight-knit community. Centaurs like them have to stick together mostly because their unique body shape of a person’s upper half and hose bottom half doesn’t allow them to bend such that they can ever reach their entire body. You may not think this is a big deal, but I ask you how would you like it if you couldn’t wipe your own ass hmm?

The peace Reena enjoys with her people is quickly broken when a tribe of minotaur gatherers arrive. The minotaurs to not speak the same language as the centaurs and seem intent on alerting their half stallion brothers about something. The stallions of Reena’s tribe all decide to go out to find out what happened for themselves.

Meanwhile, Reena befriends one of the minotaur foreigners named Andra. Reena can tell Andra has something urgent to say but they struggle to communicate. The language barrier between them is too high to overcome. Reena is just about to accidentally digest a poisonous berry when Andra stops her. In doing so, Reena injures her hand and makes a mark on the cave wall.

It’s through this accident that Reena and Andra discover they can communicate with each other through art. Andra uses this sudden understanding to alert Reena that the minotaurs were attacked by a Kasai Rex. For those of you not in the know — which is to say pretty much everybody — a kasai rex looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex crossed with a rhinoceros. So pretty much the scariest monster imaginable.

There’s no time to waste. Reena gallops off to save her hunters, but she’s too late. The Kasai Rex has eviscerated all the centaur and minotaur hunters. This cruel monster is now on its way to attack the rest of her tribe. All that remains of the centaurs and minotaurs are the female gatherers. To save what remains of their families and their tribe, this motley group has to band together to face this deadly monster. Many die in the attack, but Reena and Andra are able to rally their fellow gatherers to the cause and slay the beast.

Reena and Andra part not knowing they’ve just introduced the cornerstone of civilization. The entire story is painted on the walls of a cave as this and more cave art spreads throughout the world.