Kathara (kah-thaw-rah)

AtlantisKathara was a continent in the western hemisphere of Fabella. Throughout most of Fabella’s history, the entirety of Kathara was home to the Republic of Fantasia. Fantasia was one the world’s top three superpowers and widely regarded as the most righteous and secure country in the world. St. Tara’s Academy of Magic and Science stood prominently in the capital city of Hercules as the greatest magical institution in the world. Two floating islands soared over the Katharan landscape. This was why ancient harpies chose to make it their base for Punt, which was a precursor to the Sheba Union


Kathara had an oceanic climate in its northern edge towards Sakria, but in the southern tip the climate was dry. The coastline saw significantly mild temperatures when compared to the inland areas during summer. Slightly narrower fluctuations could be seen all through the coastline, and could partially be explained by the cold currents in the Holcat Ocean moderating coastal temperatures and the mountain ranges blocking the maritime air from moving farther inland than its foothills during summer. Coastal fog was also prevalent in keeping shoreline temperatures cool. A short journey inland and summer temperatures were compatible with Sakria on the same latitudes, sometimes warmer due to prevailing winds from the south.

Native Residents