Mosa (moh-sah)


Lifetime: b. 485 – d. 512

Birthplace: Saci (sae-see), Kathara

People race: Troll

Gender: Female (Tress)



Mosa was a troll living in the Civilization Era of Fabella. She was part of a tribe who made their home on the coast of Kathara. Her greatest claim to fame was domesticating the first canine in the world. She did this while on a solitary cross country trek with a baby on her back and leading a wild alphyn, all in pursuit of learning the secret behind the wheel.

Short Story

Mosa’s Quest

Following the destruction caused by the volcanic explosion which decimated her tribe, Mosa undertook a daring journey to obtain a piece of technology she believed could save her family. Mosa’s Quest marked the first change of the ages in Fabella. With the onset of the wheel, people began to spread out and experiment with various forms of culture. The pursuit of the wheel in Mosa’s case also led her to develop the first case of wild animal domestication. When she encountered Chief Shuss, she undertook the challenge to train wild alphyns in exchange for the wheel. She didn’t count on making a friend.