Embasin Cove (ehm-bah-sin kohv)

Embasin Cove was a historical site located in north Kathara near the remains of Ancient Punt. Its greatest claim to fame was hosting the “Battle at Embasin Cove,” the bloodiest battle of the Sea People’s Rebellion. Interestingly enough, The Battle at Embasin Cove was notable not for the battle itself, but what came after. For this final conflict of the Sea People’s Rebellion gave rise to the Republic of Fantasia, which went on to dominate all of Kathara and knock Punt off its pedestal.

The Battle at Embasin Cove

This three day battle raged on the shores of Kathara between the merpeople of Niflhel and the Empire of Punt. Punt was at the pinnacle of both their society and military might. Niflhel came into the battle after only having a few small past victories greatly outnumbered and enormously unprepared. Historians often referred to this as a massacre with so many merpeople dying that Niflhel was forced to withdraw from the war entirely.

The Sea People’s Rebellion of course was instigated by conflict between the Alliance of Sentinels and the Titans. The Sentinels felt the need to raise an army to challenge Punt’s military might and the merpeople had the greatest numbers to accomplish that goal. Niflhel’s forces weren’t all made up of merfolk, but they counted for around 85% of the unit’s forces that invaded Embasin Cove.

Niflhel’s forces were commanded by King Oceanus, General Emit, and General Anubis. Punt’s forces were overseen by Generals Chronos (aka “Set”) and Mnemosene (Tefnut). Embasin Cove was selected by Niflhel’s commanders because of its proximity to the Puntian capital of Cadmium. They watched the weather and realized they’d have an unprecedented three days of rain offered by an upcoming storm through which to launch an attack. On the eve of Pisces 23rd, 2234, they struck.

The most accurate account of the battle came from General Emit. In his book titled Facing Titans: A First Hand Account, Emit details the list of poor decisions that led to Niflhel’s defeat. The first day of conflict found General Emit, General Anubis, and King Oceanus each leading their own units. Emit’s forces were surprised by Puntian forces who swooped in from the sides and above. Emit led the survivors of this sneak attack to join up with Anubis’ forces, which were also greatly reduced to charge toward Cadmium. As the Niflhels made their approach to the walls of Cadmium, arrows fired by Puntian archers took down many of their numbers.

According to his book. Emit spent the rest of the night shielding his unit from the borage of arrows. He admitted to making serious mistakes in the attack leading them to complete ruin.

The next two days were spent engaged in ancient trench warfare. The Niflhels tried to push forward, but they never made it to the gates of Cadmium. A cerastes released by Thoth did little to help the situation and only led to more chaos. By the end of the three day battle, it was clear the war could not go on.