Hades (haed-ees)


Lifetime: b. 2235 FY   – d. ?

Parents: Rhea and Chronos

Classification: Wizard

Affiliation: Alliance of Sentinels and Olympians


Hades was the first born son of Rhea and Chronos. While stuck inside the cavernous pit nicknamed “Chronos’ Mouth,” Emit saved babies thrown down to their death. Because Emit had to feed elemox milk to all the babies, Hades’ skin turned blue. He learned how to use magic and gained the ability to move things with his mind. Emit loved Hades like a son, but regarded him as a bully to the other children, especially Chiron and Poseidon.


Dawn of Fabella

Hades played a minor role in Dawn of Fabella as the oldest child Emit raised in the depths of “Chronos Mouth.” His skin turned blue after being fed elemox milk as an infant. 

As he grew up, Emit and Hades were continually at odds with each other. Hades routinely bullied the other kids and glorified in his ability to move objects with his mind. Upon his release from the cavern, Hades immediately signed up to join the Fantasian military. As Emit faced off against Chronos, he commanded Hades to use his power to move a pillar. A distressed Hades couldn’t accomplish the deed, leaving his younger brother Zeus to do it instead and gain credit as a hero.