Slithtaur (slith-tawr)


Slithtaurs were cold-blooded snake people who spit poison and only trusted their own kind. Like many reptiles, slithtaurs could uses their forked tongues to sense heat. Their bodies were covered in fine scales, which ranged in a variety of colors. The variance in appearance rivaled the biology of merfolk. No two slithtaurs were the same. Crossbreeding often resulted in the development of flatter skulls and hair passed down through generations, though most slithtaurs were hairless. Slithtaurs walked on two legs, only their young slithered around on their bellies before their legs grew in. Their tails usually disappeared by the time they reached adulthood.


There were three subgroups of the slithtaur people. Sunera resided in the desert regions, and spoke their own dialect. The Sunera strictly separated themselves from worldwide cultural norms to even speak to a non-slithtaur person was seen as betraying the culture. The Sineras were less strict in terms of separation but would not reside in a non-slithtaur community. Finally, there was the Saptera who did not practice cultural separation and regularly engaged in crossbreeding.

Society and Culture

Slithtaur were a fiercely independant species with a disposition toward working with any other people race. They rejected anything that could bedescribed as “normal,” preferring instead to live in their own communities. 

Traditional Cuisine

Slithtaur cuisine was known for its combination of spices such as ginger, pepper, coriander, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and fennel. A variety of slithtaur food was cooked with curry or curry and coconut milk, which was generally combined with meat such as beef, fish, or foul. Several types of traditional recipe used a blend of cannabis as a flavoring spice; such cases were also found in the cuisine of some other countries. 


Music was probably the most popular art form among slithtaurs. While the traditional Shim Bop and Winder folk dancing enjoyed popularity in the past, most slithtaurs today favored a variety of international genres and light popular music best described as Rock n’ Roll.


Slithtaurs were especially athletic due to their unique flexibility and mastery of games. They were taught to look for advantages and personal gain in competitions, especially in life. This mindset contributed heavily to slithtaurs being unfairly stereotyped as cheaters.


Slithtaur people were literally well developed. They actually developed the cursive writing system, known for its looping curls, twists, and fancy style. They had various manuscripts on history, society, astrology, rituals, etc.


Technology Age

Sagittarius 7th, 6010 FY | November 28th, 2010 AD: Kidnapped journalist Samir Seliptar — secretly a spy — was released by the Phantom League. 


Samir Seliptar