Age of Expansion

The Expansion Age was an era when people started to spread out. The push to explore and expand boundaries extended to nations all over the world as many wars began largely in response to invasions from neighboring countries. This era marked several important discoveries. Notable concepts included magical physics, biological effects of shapeshifting, and the printing press. 

5318 FY | 1318 AD

The First World Map – Tagera Vesto, aided by an entic slave Merkas Cherry creates the first world map of Fabella. Merkas Cherry seizes the opportunity to make a country called Lucera a safe haven for halflings.

5466 FY | 1466 AD

The First Spellbook – Ninelyn Exeldor — who lost the use of her hands — developed the spellbook as a way to produce magic verbally using incantations written in a book with the help of a scribe.

5469 FY | 1469 AD

Around the World on a Broomstick – Essa Metzler became the first person to ride around the world on a broomstick. She set off from Runcasolis and traveled east. After she landed, a court case was called to determine the validity of her journey.

5500 FY | 1500 AD

Founding of Elpis – Dunador founds the country of Elpis as a haven for the homosexual community and the other outcasts of society.