Dahak (dah-hahk) Dragon (drah-gawn)


Dahak dragons were three headed dragons. Each head was capable of releasing a different kind of substance: fire, tar, and acid. The acid was capable of eroding a full-grown man to mush. Tar suffocated anyone coated in the sticky material to death. Fire burnt anything in its path. Unlike their close cousin the hydra, they could not grow back their heads when one was severed. All heads were constantly on the look out to defend itself.

The dahak was consistently one of the most difficult creatures in the dragon family to train. Despite this, it was also one of the earliest examples of a domesticated dragon with this species being ridden by Lord Chronos in the Battle of Hercules. Historians later agrued that Chronos didn’t so much as domesticate the dahak dragon as he did point the blood-thirsty savage beast in a direction for it to create havoc.