Coblynau (kaw-blee-naw)



Coblynau were small creatures who slowly moved along the treetops. A foot in length, they resembled sticks in order to camouflage themselves with the environment. At a foot in length, colbynaus were the largest insects on Fabella. Their thick exoskeleton prevented them from suffering any severe wounds when they fall from a great height or were tossed through the sky by a rogue breeze. They were long and thin with spindly legs capable of climbing any surface. Colbynaus mated the same way they did everything else; extremely slowly. Sex could last several days. Females would lay as many as 200 eggs at one time along the trunk of whatever tree they were hanging out on at the time. Due to extreme weather and predators, approximately 50 or less would survive long enough to be hatched.

Coblynaus preferred to live in warm temperate environments where there were enough trees and vegetation to camouflage themselves against. They stayed so still it was easy to mistake them for being sticks. They moved from tree to tree with the wind. Their thick hides were just as strong as the trees bark they call home and suffer minimal injury from being pulled through the sky during big storms. They were constantly eating anything and everything they could reach on trees. Bark, sap, moss, and leafs were all part of their balanced diet. They needed to eat so much because they excreted juices that helped the tree live longer. Without colbynau, all trees would be vulnerable to diseases which would surely kill the entire forest. Most of the creatures of Fabella ate fruit so the preservation of those fruit bearing trees was a top priority.