Chelsea Ellen Hawthorne


Lifetime: d. Aries 2nd, 5924

Birthplace: Camelot, Avalon Empire

Race: Human

Gender: Woman

Powers: None

 Chelsea Ellen Hawthorne was a homeless sadru conwoman who attempted to con Anubis into thinking she was a seer. Rendered homeless by the the rise of the Bludborne Empire, Chelsea Hawthorne used her connections with the homeless community for money. She skillfully manipulated the environment and circumstances around her marks to prove her predictions were correct. This earned her great acclaim as a skilled fortune teller. Hearing of her fame, Anubis sought to have her predict his future. He was wooed to Camelot in the first place through an elaborate con by Chelsea. However, when Chelsea tried to con Anubis a second time, Anubis turned the tables on her; demanding to know information she couldn’t possibly manipulate. Chelsea then arranged for her own death, so Anubis could never be sure if she was lying or not. Anubis maintained to the day he died that she was the greatest conwoman he ever met.