Hello! Welcome Back to the Archives of Fabella daily. The only podcast that scatters wizards and witches throughout human history. Today is March 26th, equal to Aries 6th. Books are available on Amazon. Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts and hit that subscribe button for more great stories right in your feed.
Usually, this is where I like to set the stage historically for what’s going on in Earth during this specific day or period. This story taking place in the year 2024 makes it a little hard to do that. Mainly because 2024 hasn’t happened yet. Here’s hoping it’s a better year than 2020.
Fabella is also having a bad go at the 2020s or the 6020s where they’re concerned. The detonation of nuclear bombs has thrown the world into anarchy. Governments have crumbled, and one of Fabella’s major nations is about to be the next to fall.
I’m Dillon Foley, and this is Archives of Fabella.
Beyond our world, there is love
Beyond our world, there is war
Beyond our world, there is life
Beyond our world, there is Fabella.

Aries 6th, 6024 FY Fabella Year equal to March 26th, 2024 AD Earth Year

On Sagittarius 30th, 6012 FY, five nuclear bombs decimated various parts of Fabella. Following the blast, efforts to contain the radiation with magic unintentionally created the deadly Saga Virus. As this virus spread, it became clear that the actual cost of using magic was the spread of bacteria that caused disease. Governments were forced to outlaw magic for the health of their citizens. Unfortunately, magic was such an intrinsic part of society that having to quit cold turkey had a drastic effect on the economy. Over the next twelve years, Fabella crumbled into a post-apocalyptic wasteland dominated by disease, lawlessness, and death. This was the beginning of the end for Fabella and the twelfth age known as the Age of Apocalypse.
By the year 6024, paramilitary marauder groups like the Crossbones commanded by faun Kaladan Betena ran rampant through the world.
Fauns (Fawn) were one of the twelve species considered to be people. Males were “billies” until they reached thirteen, which were referred to as “bucks.” Likewise, females were “nannies” until they turned fifteen and became “does.” Both sexes had horns and bowed hairy goat legs started below the knee. Early Fabella saw fauns mostly relegated to roles as leaders. Politicians and generals were predominantly fauns throughout recorded history. They were often stereotyped as complex people who were hard to reason with and always wanted their way.
Few things stood in Kaladan Betena’s way. Even though magic was outlawed and proved to contribute to the spread of disease, Betena still wielded her wand. The idea of caring for others was a foreign concept for her. Kaladan Betena was a dangerous tumor on a dying world, completely surrendering herself to the dark side in a desperate bid to gain as much power as possible.
Betena’s team of marauders, the Crossbones, were one of the largest groups their size. They operated out of the northwestern sector of Fabella in the former Sheba Union. They continued to wield with complete disregard to seize vast storage of weapons, food, and other valuable items using the magic. After twelve years of pillaging from every city and town they came across, the former Sheba Union’s resources were near depletion.
Betena then decided to set her sights on the one place where she knew an abundance of resources might still be available. The Republic of Fantasia.
If you laid a map of Fabella over a map of Earth, the Republic of Fantasia would occupy the Pacific Northwest, including a small part of Mexico and Vancouver, Canada. Their capital of Hercules sat directly where San Francisco would be. Fantasia was a significant superpower throughout the history of Fabella and widely regarded as the “good” country if there ever was one.
The Age of Apocalypse struck Fantasia just as hard as the rest of the world. Much of the land in the continent of Kathara they once occupied was abandoned as the Fantasians struggled to maintain normalcy in quarantine zones. They were the last remaining government safe from complete collapse, thanks to the protection offered to them by the hero of Fabella, the faun known as Emit.
Emit was a lot of things before the fall of Fabella, but the job he cherished most was that of a teacher. Cursed with immortality for committing the first murder, Emit was a great 6024 years old. While domestic life had seen him ascend to the role of a husband, father, and educator, the Age of Apocalypse caused him to slide back into his former ways as a warrior, general, and juggernaut. If
Betena would take Fantasia for herself; she would have to go hoof to hoof with Emit.
The remains of the Fantasian military were much larger than the Crossbones. When Betena landed in Kathara, she embarked on a mission to cripple the Fantasian military. She started by installing her troops in the Fantasian army by sending them out to pose as refugees. The Fantasian government’s kind and caring nature came back to haunt them as they allowed these Crossbones refugees right into their Hercules quarantine zone and military ranks.
With her remaining Crossbones forces, Betena set about massacring small scouting teams. The moles she planted in the Fantasian military helped create the ruse that these deaths resulted from wild beasts, not a paramilitary force. This helped Betena hide her presence from Emit and the Republic. Her moles in the military also assisted by directing the talented and skilled soldiers right into Betena’s path, so any significant threats outside of the one posed by Emit were dealt with early, thereby leaving the Fantasian military populated primarily by subpar troops.
Then, on the morning of Aries 6th, 6024, Emit led a large infantry to investigate where the deaths their ranks were coming from. He never believed it was the result of a beast, and his gut instinct proved to be right on the money as he came face to face with Betena.
Even an immortal like Emit was no match for magic wielded by Betena. He fought as well as anyone could against such power. Still, Betena and the Crossbones under her command had weakened the forces around him such that even someone as strong as the legendary Emit couldn’t overcome her punishing power. The attack went down in history, or what has left of it anyway, as the beginning of the Republic of Fantasia’s end.
The Crossbones and Fantasians continued to clash as the once great superpower saw themselves slide further into ruin.

That’s going to do it for us today. Tune in tomorrow for the story of how a gender-neutral leader helped inspire an army and give birth to a legendary kingdom. Subscribe now to get more new episodes right in your feed. Rate and review the podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. Send your questions to archivesoffabella@gmail.com.
Archives of Fabella is created, produced, and hosted by Dillon Foley with music by Garret Ferris and Audioblocks. Books are available on Amazon in ebook and paperback, as always, “Look outside of what is possible and think about what might be.”