Aboku (ae-bohk-oo)


Abokus (Ae-bohk-oo) or A Bao A Qu were eight tentacled creatures largely found in moist marshy subtropical areas. They had no eyes and navigated the world by touch. Even the slightest movement produced a dazzling array of colorful lights to circulate through the body to their pulsating head. Frys started so small they were invisible to the naked eye. Abokus grew larger with the more things they touched. Eventually, abokus attained such a fantastic size that their brains could no longer handle the gross amount of senses bombarding their minds, and POP! their heads exploded like a balloon that had been inflated too much.

Abokus didn’t actually eat. They soaked in the nutrients from soil and water through their tentacles. Rocks were their favorite because of all the minerals. Abokus would latch onto a rock and soak up so many minerals they would cause erosion to take place. Medieval castles along the equator frequently employed people whose job was to knock aboku off castle walls surrounded by moats to prevent them from eroding the stone and weakening the structure.


An Aboku was a simplified version of the A Bao A Qu. This strange creature originated on the Malay Peninsula. Described as having many tentacles and soft skin, it waited for unwary victims at the Tower of Victory’s base in Chitor. Adventurers would scale the tower because each level represented a step toward enlightenment. As the adventurer ascended the structure, the creature grew stronger, changing color and shape as it drew the life force from its victim. The creature’s ultimate form would only be revealed at the top of the tower.