Goblin (gawb-lin)

Goblins were the earliest purveyors of trade in Fabella and were first to develop the sword. Skin was predominantly green. Boils routinely covered their elongated faces, and their hands were about twice the size of an average person. Homes were typically quite large as the average goblin family consisted of seven offspring. 


The total number of goblins was an estimated 2 billion in the last census taken on Fabella in 6010 FY |2010 AD. This made them the world’s third largest people group. An estimated 400,000 goblins lived in the Sheba Union, while 300,000 were recorded in the Bloodborne Empire according to this census. These numbers, along with other populations around the world, dropped drastically as the Saga Virus swept across Fabella in the Age of Apocalypse. No final numbers were ever recorded.


green neckGoblins had their own customs, language, architecture, art, literature, music, dance, media, cuisine, dress, society, sports and mythology. Goblins shared basic beliefs and values that crossed national and social class boundaries. Social attitudes remained constant throughout history because goblin society was more conservative and demanded conformity. It was important to be able to identify and distinguish these cultural patterns from individual behaviors.


The predominant religion of goblins for centuries was Occultism, with the Grand Occult Temple playing a central role in their culture. There were many feast days throughout the year, when only raw meat could be eaten. Marriages were often arranged, with males usually marrying in their late twenties or early thirties. Each family hosted a separate wedding feast after the wedding.


Jewelry, textiles and architecture were the most well-known art forms produced by goblins. Goblin art was typified by religious paintings. It was usually oil on canvas or hide, some surviving from the Age of Monsters. Their art included weaved products embellished with embroidery. Works in gold and silver existed in the form of jewelry and religious emblems.


Writing alternated from left to right, and was generally written in dark inks, with certain things embellished with special colored inks (red, green, gold etc.). A large portion of literature was in the form of poetry.

Goblins were known more for their bookmaking skills than writing though. They popularized the trend of hardback leather bound books. Intricate cover designs popular even on Earth originated from goblin literary culture. The drop cap style was also started by them as well.


Sports were historically an important part of goblin life. Horseback competitions were praised by poets and writers. Other ancient sports included wrestling, long distance running, and climbing. Goblins were accomplished athletes at the Paragon level. Looseball was highly popular. Goblin athletes particularly excelled in weight lifting, acrobatics, shooting, martial arts, and track events.


Creation Age

58 FY | 3943 BC

Orcs – Orcs originated in Astar along the Orkan River, an enchanted river imbued with the power to strengthen anyone who drank from it. The word “Orc” became synonymous with tall, thickly built, muscular, dull, brutes. (Reference: Birth of the Orcs)