Avalon (ahv-ah-lawn)



Avalon was a large island in the north Iylie Ocean off the northwest coast of continental Euplar. The name literally meant “The Isle of Fruit and Trees.” The country was notable for being the home of Camelot and the seat of King Arthur’s Empire.  Avalon was consistently associated with the mystic arts during the Age of Revolution and Machine Age. Camelot was also the site of the League of Sorcerers, founded by Merlin himself.


Age of Monsters

Avalon came into its own as an empire during Age of Monsters. Under the leadership of King Arthur of Camelot, the budding nation reached legendary heights of success. Camelot established itself as the seat of this rising empire as they embarked on a glorious conquest to become a new world power. 

Age of Revolution

The Avalon Empire was a frequent threat to rebels seeking to assert their independance from the monarchy throughout the Age of Revolution. Kings made their aspirations for conquest and world wide domination known, and put them on a course to invade personal liberties. Avalon was a political superpower in this period with numerous colonies in Auslar and Euplar

Age of Machines

Avalon continued to enjoy the benefits of their large land holdings and soaring economy. That all came crumbling down with the arrival of the Bloodbornes. The introduction of ammunition in their war against the Bloodbornes put Avalon at a serious disadvantage. The Bloodborne Empire led by Lord Chronos secured control of Avalon, throwing the world into the First Continental War. 

Age of Domination

As with all of Fabella, Avalon fell into decline as it was overtaken by the Bloodborne Empire. 



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Chelsea Ellen Hawthorne