Alphyn (ahl-fin)


Alphyns or Firefoxes were small to medium sized, omnivorous mammals belonging to the canine family. Alphyns were slightly smaller than a medium-size domestic dog. Characteristics included a flattened skull, upright triangular ears, a pointed snout, a long bushy tail, red talons, and flowing orange fur. Males had an added yellow mane which gradually changed red as they aged. Wild alphyns lived about one to three years, although individuals could survive up to ten years. There was one alpha male and no less than two mates to a pack. Alphyn pups were born beat red and hairless. They would traditionally walk between 3-5 days after birth and were running in 14 days. The alphyn’s flame colored fur made it look like they were on fire as they ran. Light and durable, their bones were specially built for running as they raced across the Fabellan landscape.